Monday, December 1, 2014


                                  HOW TO SHOULDERS WIDER?

Often people make very common mistakes that do not professionals. In many ways, this explains the significant difference in the width of the shoulders if we compare the first and second. In this article we will discuss the most typical mistakes that limit you in your development of your shoulders.

  • • Try to regularly increase lifting the weight. After becoming stronger your Delta necessarily increase in volumes.
  • • Work only with weights that allow you to make the whole approach in a very clean technology. Not cheating. Better to throw the dumbbell in take lighter.
  • • Achieve a burning sensation in the target muscles in breeding hands on the sides. This is the best indicator of quality study deltas.
  • • In lifting bar not unbend to the end of elbows in the upper position. Keep a constant tension in the delta, it will help to achieve faster burning.
  • • In lifting bar and work with a pause at the top point of the amplitude. Hold for a second, further reducing muscle.
  • • Shoulders - small muscles that are quickly restored. Therefore, the pause between sets, however, as between exercises should be minimal - up to 45 seconds. See constantly on the second hand of hours during the holidays. .
Just a couple of thoughts about the training of broad shoulders

  • • Your shoulders will seem visually wider, if you can reduce the amount of your waist. Be careful with the trapezius muscle, as their optically overdevelopment "narrows" shoulders.

  • • For deltas can be used without fear of overtraining principles to increase the intensity. Such as drop sets, pre-fatigue supersets). This muscle group is very mobile and quickly restored.
  • • Do more reps on the delta than other muscle groups. In mahah with 10 repetitions only the beginning. Usually it is about 10-15, although many may not be enough, and 20 repetitions.
  • Train your shoulders to the back, or on a separate day. You can also train the rear of the delta along with back and front and side with the breast.
  • • Start training deltas with dumbbell swings in the slope. So you warm up the shoulders heavy presses will not tire them. But also take care of the difficult growing back deltas.
  • • Do not be afraid to do a lot of exercises for the shoulders. This group enjoys a high volume training
  • • If you train chest and delta in one day, determined by the number of sets on the front beams, considering all the sets you have made on the chest as sets for front delts.
  • • Do not train the delta front of the chest. This is guaranteed to reduce the result in all lifting bar chest. Universal, suitable for all absolutely recommendations for training and there can not be. Look for what is right for you.

Titanium HANDS. RULES of growth muscle mass HAND

                         Titanium HANDS.  RULES of growth muscle mass HAND

• «You can not put a wheel from a truck on the" Volkswagen ". So where we can find hands with 50 cm with body weight of 150-pound? "What am I trying to say?
Besides that small groups (biceps and triceps) grow only in conjunction with a large (back, legs, chest).

Muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger

How much would you not try to change the status quo, you will not work. Therefore neophytes gyms are often caused by experienced athletes smirk when they start indefinitely to train your biceps in the hope that it will be as great as that of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

• Train your biceps as intense as any other part of the body. Prefer basic movements, primarily with free weights. In each set of each exercise get to complete failure.

• Alternate exercises for biceps and triceps. So you get your hands titanium. If you do superseries two muscles at once. Start with biceps, triceps then. And not vice versa. Otherwise triceps will limit your strength in the curl.

What else is important for biceps?

• Your biceps will look longer and filling, if you pay due attention to the development of brachialis - muscles, passing under the biceps on the outer side of the arm. Basic exercises for the brachialis - barbell curls and reverse grip curls with dumbbells grip palms inward "Hammer" ("Hammer").

• The functions of the biceps is not only bending arm at the elbow, and supination - turn forearms outwards. Do not forget about this when working with dumbbells, if not stated otherwise, always try to lift the brush in the process committed a reversal from a neutral grip to supine.

• Between sets is very helpful to stretch the biceps, placing his hand as far as possible back and holding support. This technique will enhance blood circulation, increase nutrient delivery to the tissues, and accelerate leaching toxins from the muscles.

• Make the most difficult (basic) exercise at the beginning of the workout. Pumping can finalize hands.

• It is necessary to eliminate as much as possible from the work of all other muscles besides the target. This means that the weight of burdening should be - so that you can raise it only shortening biceps, for example. All exercises are performed in the same manner - slowly and under control. Aims to increase the weight. But not at the expense of losing the art.

• Do not take lightly to warm up sets to. This is a dangerous mistake - you can easily get injured.

Anabolic Steroids – Pal it!

               Anabolic Steroids – Pal it!


 Attitude to anabolic steroids.

            I do not like to shoot the subject, because those who are positive to steroids, in principle, everyone knows themselves, and those who do not know, as a rule, are very negative. Why so? Most often the envy of any public opinion to blame. If an ordinary person sees very healthy guy, it will be unpleasant to acknowledge his superiority, and to feel comfortable, a normal person would say to myself, "This is only outwardly, but inwardly he had rotted from steroids, impotent and in general - I live longer." So the mind clings to the stability in the comfort zone. Immediately acts under the handle and public opinion: "Steroids - is death! People are dying of steroids. This is evil. "Why is public opinion? Because this topic is more fashionable. It's like the argument about a beautiful girl in show business. No one will be interesting to discuss how she works hard to achieve success, but broke housewives always will be interesting to wash her bones - with whom and how much she slept and how many producers sucked. This allows weak people self-justifying.

Although, in all honesty, there is no evidence of harm to steroids, society considers and will consider that it is evil and that they are harmful. Society can instill any idea. Most people - is plankton, which are easy to manipulate. Here arises a political party that will say that the beautiful woman with red birthmarks are doing evil eye and from this dying people, and after a while these women will be considered witches and burned at the stake. Particularly as zealous in this "witch hunt" will be the most fat and ugly aunt. Since it was already a thousand times. And now, nothing has changed. Only instead of witches were athletes - steroid users.

What are anabolic steroids?

What lies beneath this terrible definition of "anabolic steroids"? By and large, the male sex hormones. Substances which are very natural for the male body. They cause the development of secondary sex characteristics in men responsible for sexuality, promote the growth of muscle tissue due to increased synthesis of muscle protein. The latter is called anabolism and therefore formulations which lead to such an increase is often referred anabolics. One group are the anabolic and anabolic st
eroids. AU synthesized after the war, although positive experiences transplant gonads were conducted at the beginning of the last century, which led to the rejuvenation and improvement of well-being in the experimental. Sex hormone molecule slightly altered in order to strengthen the laboratory anabolic properties (i.e., causing accelerated protein synthesis) and reducing androgenic properties (i.e., from which develop secondary sexual characteristics), and as a result of anabolic androgenic steroids appeared. Although, by and large, any anabolic steroid carries, in addition to the index of anabolic and androgenic too.

What about the harm of anabolic steroids? How many people die per year in Russia from their use? Let's learn the truth until the end to know what we're dealing with. For example, we know that the effects of nicotine and in Russia die each year 1,000,000. people and alcohol 2,000 people every day. How many died from steroids? The answer, my friends, just terrible. I do not know whether it is even talk like that all at once. Every year in Russia from the use of anabolic steroids is not nobody dies. Look around you - how much do you know of athletes who died from steroids? Someone remembers Turchinsky - here, say died away. Well, steroids do with it? Heart problems, lack of normal training schedule, stress and permanent patrols. Let's not stretching the facts behind the ears, we need unambiguous data communication steroids - death. As statistics from the Ministry of Health nicotine. 90% of deaths from lung cancer caused by nicotine. Point. Smoke - a potential impotent and dead. You drink? Even worse. So, with anabolic steroids does not. Perhaps, as of any drug in high doses, someone died, but the percentage is so insignificant that it's even in the calculation should not be taken as the statistical error. The risk of dying in a car accident a few thousand (yes, not hundreds, but thousands) times more than the use of steroids. WHO statistics: every year on the ground in a traffic accident killed more than 1,000,000. people.

Harmless whether anabolic steroids? Of course not. Damage can occur both on any medication. But, for example, if you compare the liner out of the pack of methane with a liner from the pack of aspirin, you will realize that the last a hundred times more dangerous in its consequences than steroids. AU can bring harm because of the large dosage and long duration of admission. The fact is that when you use artificial hormones stops producing your own. The more and more you use, the earlier "sleep" your cancer. Accordingly, after a course of speakers you can get a reduced libido for a couple of weeks until your own hormonal balance is restored. Therefore, after the course using drugs to stimulate the hypothalamus, such as tribulis. By the way, fun fact, the number of sperm in the course is not reduced, only reduced the activity of sperm. That is why the speaker is used as a male contraceptive. You can engage in sex without a condom, without fear of pregnancy.

Anabolic steroids and male impotence

Well, OK, let's talk more about the worst that is associated with anabolics - about impotence. There is a dangerous delusion that anabolic steroids cause impotence. The basis for this assertion is - if you use synthetic hormones, then your natural eventually stops producing, as I said. BUT, men, firstly, during the c
ourse, you is not what you feel, rather, your potency will be several times better than that of ordinary men, because the concentration of male hormones will be several times higher than the average representative strong half of mankind. And secondly, after the course, as soon as the hypothalamus detects a reduced concentration of hormone in the blood, he gives the order to the enhanced production of its own. Where did the myth? Some groups of drugs (eg Nandrolone - dekadurabolin, retabolil and others) can lead to increased prolactin ... well, I will not ship, resulting in a weak erection. But this does not apply to drugs pure testosterone group (Sustanon, Omnadren, testosterone propionate, -enantat etc.). In general, this is my opinion.... Remember, I said that it was "dangerous miss understanding" ... Not just confusing and dangerous because its existence is already a problem for you, if you are not protected by the psyche. Erection of 90% - the question of psychological arousal, rather than physiology. Therefore, my friends, if you believe that the use of steroids will make you impotent, then so be it, and steroids had nothing to do with it. By the way, if it has spread information that smoking causes impotence (which concrete is a proven fact, but not popular in society), then around us would be plenty of impotent men. But this is not a fashionable topic, because people smoke much, much more than the use of steroids. A majority of the minority always crushes.

What else can be pitfalls? The danger is such a thing as gynecomastia. You may have seen sagging nipples in obese adolescents in the transition to adulthood. This is due to increased testosterone background, part of which in excess can degenerate into estrogens (female hormones) and cause fat accumulation and compaction in the area of the breast. To say that this is a serious health problem, at least silly. Removed gyno simple operation and people do not even stop training. Any dislocation or fracture in the bone is much worse than gynecomastia. And besides, it can completely block both the preliminary stage (Proviron), and the critical, if the problem occurred (tamoxifen).

Problems with the heart and the liver is a very big issue. Experiments often showed that heart function even improved compared with the control group. What else is there? Pimples? This may be, but only those who have a genetic predisposition - oily skin and a lot of sebaceous receptors in it. Yes and no serious this problem, because is temporary and does not require any treatment at all.

There is a science - gerontology that studies the aging processes of living organisms and their methods of slowing down. So, for many decades, weight training plus hormone therapy (most often we are talking about AAS and GR) recognized as the best way of all available at the present stage of scientific development to slow down the aging process and rejuvenation. Oldies show a very good remission, and, in addition to strengthening bones and weight gain, they demonstrate a positive psychological background, and many have long forgotten sexual desires. In fact, initial experiments with testosterone and its analogues and were aimed at rejuvenation and treatment of sexual problems. And it's all the most life-threatening, anabolic steroids. Very funny. Is not it?

Anabolic Steroids in Sport

As we did not belong to anabolic steroids, the big sports they are not gone, until invented gene doping. Many experts believe that for 20 years in any Olympic speed-strength sport no clean record. All modern records made in the conditions of use of anabolic steroids. Whatever nonsense there were not carrying a MoCA and national sports federations regarding natural results ... It reminds me of the famous song about a sexy Chick with Salvage: "Do not suck, and presented." It's just ridiculous. Run 100 meters in 10 seconds ... or jerk the bar to 200 kg .... Do you still believe that it is natural results? Sports lab now work not on new doping, and hard to hide in tests using old. And the fact that some catch, and others do not, it's just a matter of politics and money invested. This summer I trained with the national junior team in weightlifting. Coach advance brings children to the maximum before using anabolic steroids. Steroids are perceived as just a working tool. However, if he will be interviewed, the same as Kuritsyn, it will be sprayed saliva on how well it is bad - the use of steroids, as it is not in sports and in general ... ... no, no, we are on the protein creative you)))). World is full of lies and deceit)))).

How to take anabolic steroids?

Many people ask me specific recommendations for administration of anabolic steroids. The theme is very slippery, so I'll touch on it in passing))). If I started to use anabolic steroids, for the first year would not take multiple medications. I limited myself to one methane. Yes, good old, proven by hundreds of thousands of athletes methandrostenolone, aka dianobol, nerabol, methandienone. I would take 60 mg a day (10 mg three times daily after meals) and used the doping within two months. During this period I would have understood how the drug effect on me, and what could be improved in the next course. On the second course I would add to methane testosterone enanthate or Sustanon rate of 250 mg of testosterone per week + the same 60 mg of methane per day. After the course I would propyl tribulisa bank, which can be purchased at any sporting goods store, and which acts on the hypothalamus and accelerates the recovery of their own sex glands.

If I was a fat young man with a predisposition to gyno, I would add one tablet for the prevention of Proviron throughout the course plus two weeks after it.

During the first year I have increased the intake of protein and 3 grams per kilogram of bodyweight. It is mandatory to have a protein drink after training and before going to bed. Also, I would try to find time to sleep during the day. I would not drink alcohol, and tried to minimize smoking.

I would exercise a little increased by adding one additional exercises for each group. And the last approach I would do in the Pumping mode (15-20 reps) to enhance blood flow. I have kept a diary and before each workout planned goal - how much in a particular exercise, I want to take more weight or do more reps.

Generally, of course, is a huge topic and in one issue can be identified only directions. Therefore excuse those who have not heard what had hoped to hear. I did not say than some drugs are different from others, which are more dangerous and which, however, did not say how the courses are made and why. Not even told how and where to inject. Probably because this release is focused on people who have not heard anything about steroids immediately and bring down as much information would be too difficult to understand. You have to understand that I run a great risk, discussing topics such - now there are hundreds of critics who will denounce me in all the sins of mortals. Involuntarily envy Kuritsyn and understand why he says what he wants to hear from most. On the other hand, I have tempered psyche and knock me out of the saddle difficult.