Before delving especially female physiology, I want to say about motivation, this good fairy who helps a person to achieve the desired result. So, no matter what was said, but women's motivation is often even better than the men's. I know a lot of girls who are willing to tolerate a regular strict limits in order to bring themselves to the desired result. This has a perfectly logical explanation old Darwin. In terms of natural selection, the main criterion of success of the female is her health. A measure of health is the appearance. A successful man can be measured by other measures (eg number of Lexus in the garage), but if a woman is not beautiful, that it is destined to be an outsider. Therefore, most of the ladies more sensitive about their appearance than men. And that's great, because the motivating to results! And now gone.
The main feature of the female body - the accumulation reserve
In the female body is much less hormone is responsible for aggression (testosterone and norepinephrine). This is normal. But such "restriction" strongly affects the possibility of heavy training. When I talk about the hard training, I primarily mean abandoned training. Ie when you have to stop the approach of physical FAILURE your muscles to perform repetition. Man, at the expense of the necessary hormones, can whip themselves and forced to reach a limit in the approach (before the real failure). The woman (if not crazy, and does not use steroids) often stop for a few reps before failure. Muscles can still work, but to force myself to do this work becomes very difficult. This is also one way to make a woman to keep energy in reserve (suddenly the child is not hungry enough for a month).
In addition to less testosterone in female muscles less muscle fibers (myofibrils). This is the reason that strength training of 6-8 repetitions (effective for men), women often useless.
Distribution of muscle in women too much different. A large part of the fair sex muscles concentrated in the lower part of the body (legs, buttocks). Therefore, the female body is much more responsive to training in these regions than in the training of the upper body (chest, shoulders, arms, back). Here, perhaps, it makes sense to speak about women's press. Due to the fact that women experience menstrual pain, lower their abdomen has fewer nerve endings (nature has taken care of to reduce the regular pain), which led over the worst of neuromuscular connections in this region than in men (bottom press women to train more harder than men).
The rate of metabolism in the female body more slowly than in the male. This means that the energy consumption per kilogram of body weight less (similar savings is highly relevant in the case if a woman bears a child, because the food was not always in abundance). Technically, this is realized at the expense of the creator of a smaller percentage of muscle in the female body than in the men (and muscles, as we know, damn hungry in terms of energy units)
Excess carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, potatoes, sweets) in women much more easily deposited in the fat stores than men. This is one side. On the other hand, the deposition of fat reserves of women can easily be used as energy, in contrast to men. Technically, this is realized through different from men's response to insulin, firstly. And through all of the same muscles, in second is to. Carbohydrates are stocking as glycogen in the muscles. Accordingly, the larger muscle, the more carbohydrates may be acquired into glycogen.
Female Muscles better accumulate glycogen when there is a need than male muscle. This is a very important point, because seriously affects the proper training for women. Remember: you need carbs easier (than men) will be stored in the muscles (glycogen). A surplus of carbohydrates is much easier (than men) will be deposited into fat. Glycogen in the muscles - this is good because it will give them the shape due to the additional size. But the fat in the body ... .This, you know, bad, because the groom a lady will find difficult.
Menstrual cycle imposes cyclic characteristics on physical performance in women. After the end month the woman feels the ascent of physical strength and performance. It takes an average of two weeks until the egg matures. Two weeks later, when a 28-day cycle uh ovulation occurs and the female body goes into energy saving mode the maximum regardless of whether the egg is fertilized, or was not. It is therefore important to use the micro-periodization of training in female. The first two weeks to give more power (heavy) load, and the second two weeks to give a very light load, excluding drill down and press.
Fat loss in women is best derived from the long-term (30-50 min., And more ...) low-intensity stress with heart rate in the region of 110-120 beats per minute. In this regard, the body reacts as well as men. I focused on this for the reason that, for most women, the question, "getting rid" of excess fat is more important than the "acquisition" of extra muscle.
What are the main conclusions?
Use micro-PEREODIZATSIYU: two weeks of hard training + two weeks lite
VYSOKOOBEMNY training (lots of sets and reps) is much better for women alters muscle than men because of better accumulation of glycogen in them. Furthermore, this type of training is optimal for women because they were not given the opportunity to "abandoned the training." Total load woman better gain at the expense of the total amount of work, and not due to the severity of this work. A good solution is to use techniques "drop weight" on the equipment.
There should not be an excess of carbohydrates in the diet. Because it will lead to the deposition of giro faster and easier than in men. Carbohydrates is better to make it a little less, a little more than necessary.
Prolonged low-intensity load in heart rate of 110-120 beats burns fat better than men because women's fat is best used as energy when it's really needed.
Do not overdo the exercise legs and buttocks, because these parts of the body for women to easily respond to the load. Pay attention to the shoulder girdle, arm and back, because the upper body in women is always far behind the bottom.
Big muscles?
More muscle is what most women afraid when they begin to engage in the gym. After all, big muscles makes a woman masculine and therefore not beautiful appearance, and thereby reduce her chances of finding a good partner. Which is understandable. I, for example, do not like women who have thicker my hand. Okay, so how do you make so that was a "form" without excessive size? After all, it promises a modern female fitness.
It is very easy to do, because the female muscle can not grow as men due to lack of testosterone in the first place. Furthermore muscle generally can not grow (anabolism state) in the case when you have lack of calories in - the second.
People often confuse the concepts of shapes and sizes of the muscles. Form - a mutual arrangement outlines muscle. In telostroitelstve important to understand that the form - is unchanging element that genetically laid in childhood. When she wants to do more convex and elastic his ass, it is necessary for this change is not its form as it thinks (the form does not change). She needs to increase its size (if the ass is flat) or to tone the gluteal muscles and at the same time to throw off the excess fat in this part (if big ass). In both cases, we are working on muscle size and not on its form.
In fact, women's fitness - an easy task because you need to work the muscles without the fear of losing in volume because of the diet (what hinders healthy peasants, women only in favor). The main problem faced by women - is dealing with small load. Women are afraid to work hard to justify the myth that it is "not able to do it." As a result, the load is not so significant that there is no progress. OK. Consider the specific recommendations.
The training program
Women's program must not contain break down of (split) on the exercise of individual body parts on different days. This method is suitable for the exemption of the power of the training focused on myofibrillar hypertrophy. The woman has different goals, and therefore other methods: the woman trains the whole body at once.
- Twisting lying 6 x max. (rest between sets for about 30 sec., and less if you can)
- Squats with a barbell 5 x 10-15 (rest - minute between sets)
- Link vertical block of 6 x 10-15
- Close grip bench press lying 6 x 10-15
- Thrust rod chin 6 x 10-15
Which exercise will take about 60 minutes. If you are seeking to reduce the time rest between sets, this will reduce training time and increase the efficiency of your workout in terms of energy expenditure. Often the coach advise beginners to reduce the load. It is logical, in the case where high strength and muscle growth. For a woman, it does not matter, so I recommend doing a program in this form and beginners too. But in this case it is possible to increase the rest between sets down to 2 minutes and reduce the weight on the equipment until such time as you get used to the stress.
In the above program uses a large volume of working approaches (5-6) in the exercises and high reps (10-15). All this is done to stimulate the accumulation of glycogen in the muscles of the female, which is lighter than the male, when there is need. And if you eat carbs go into the muscles, so they will not go to fat.
Also, you notice that the lower part of the body is only one exercise (squats) - because the bottom and grows so well in contrast to the top.
Breast no specialized exercises (such as bench press or spreading room), not to reduce the size of the breast (female breast). Muscle tone under the gland will give a close grip bench press, which is characterized by complex effects (triceps, chest, front delts), without fanaticism.
The complex used multisustavnye exercises (those that involve multiple muscles at runtime), so that we have time to work out the whole body in one workout.
Later, with the growth of fitness exercises makes sense to add to the program. For example, it could be something like this:
- + Wake up lying twisting the legs without pause 6 x max.
- Squats with a barbell deadlift + on straight legs 5 x 10-15 pairs in each approach (their 10)
- Link vertical block + thrust rod in hooded. (or horizontal thrust block) 5 x 10-15 doubles
- Close grip bench press + Wake up lying dumbbell biceps 5 x 10-15 doubles
- Thrust rod chin + mahi dumbbells in hand twos 5 x 10-15
Rest between each "two" = 30-60 sec. Squat to do it hard. Here you can withstand 60 seconds. And in other exercises can be done easily and 30-45 sec., If you do not engage in this nonsense first half of the year.
The meaning is very simple: to increase the total volume of training in order to feel the muscle strain in the first, and in order to carbohydrates were not fat, but muscle. Reduce vacation Mezhuyev approaches that increase the oxygen debt and wasting energy.
The embodiments described above are suitable for training in the first two weeks after menstruation. After ovulation (3-4 weeks), we turn to light training.
Example lightweight workout for 3-4 weeks:
- Link vertical block 3-4 X 10-20
- Close grip bench press lying 3-4 x 10-20
- Thrust rod to the chin 3-4 x 10-20
- Cardio at a slow pace of 30-60 min.
At 3-4 weeks, carefully monitor the amount of carbohydrates in food. At this time the body is particularly fond of "accumulate" excess fat.
Number of approaches we reduce almost in half and remove the lower body exercises on and press (I wrote about it). In addition, we reduce the weight on the equipment, so the number of repetitions can be increased up to 20 (the more reps, the weight is easier and easier to load). Well, the rest between sets should be more if you feel the need. Chance of a complete rejection of the training in the critical days. Such training has facilitated positive rewards in terms of future success because it corresponds to the principles of periodization sporting loads.
Aerobics against gym.
The topic is very extensive. But I'll try to be concise. Treadmill or group session will burn about 300 calories per hour. If you practice three times a week, to get the maximum of 900 calories. Moreover, most of the calories burned is not out of fat, and from carbohydrates. But even if we burn 50% of fat, it will turn out 450 calories or 50 grams. fat (1 g. of fat = 9 calories, 1 g. of carbohydrate = 4 calories). Ie per week you will burn up to 50 gr. fat and it is only on condition that all week your food intake was statically (you ate the same amount of calories). Ready to put his head against the little finger of your left leg, that you do not get so monitor your diet. But even if we succeed, your "loss" for the week of training will be 50 grams. fat. So may not need to engage in such an inefficient waste of time?
Gym gives a much better effect for several reasons.
The more efficient your muscles, the more fat is burned even at rest (when you sleep, for example)
After gym metabolic rate increases by day and more, and after cardio loads only a couple of hours
Gym allows you to engage in point correction physique in the right places, and aerobics gives such an opportunity.
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