Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Exercises for the chest

Exercises for the chest

There are numerous methods of exercises to build chest muscles. Most of them copy each other like two drops of water: + bench press bench press on an incline dumbbell + wiring + pullover or pitch in December.

Stereotypes in the training of the pectoral muscles.

Troubling stereotyped exercises for chest and workouts - start always with bench barbell lying as some basic exercises, although there is a decent amount of exercises that will develop your chest is a hundred times better and more harmonious. What can the horizontal bench press your pectoral muscles? At best, a shapeless mass (and that is questionable).

Anatomical features of the structure of muscles most athletes do virtually useless for building the "masses" of their pectoral exercises on the horizontal bar - experiment with different angles in the exercises on an incline and back-incline bench. Understand that the various parts operate in the breast is different depending on the tilt angle of the bench. Experimenting with angles can achieve a comprehensive pumping muscle fibers. This style of work is very different pecs from all others. And if a person does not have enough of any part of the breast, that he simply does not understand the concept.

Working on the shape of the breast, remember that breeding hands and presses on an incline bench built primarily the middle and upper chest, in the reverse tilt - down. However, remember that the bottom is growing much easier than up. Keep this in mind when working on crossovers: crossing
his arms high, get a focus on upper chest, low - on the bottom.

                                                                    If your chest is not growing. Take two steps:

  • • Reduce the "working" weight in half and during exercise for the chest and focus on "sense of work" infants rather than weight. Try to change the range of motion (shortened or extended), to make a clear break in the bottom and top of the trajectory Experiment with the point of contact with the chest rod: even a small shift it up or down from the usual, breast can "earn" a completely different way. Word - eksperemintiruyte. Do not copy stupidly complexes and exercises. Try to learn to feel the breast. This may be useful "voobrozhaemye" exercises without weights.
  • • The next step after you have learned to feel the muscles work ("press-feeding") - to direct all their enthusiasm to improve the presses used in exercises with weights preservation techniques. Progression training weights - is the main stimulus of muscle growth. Everyone knows, everyone understands and continue to ignore for years studying with the same weights. The rule here is simple: the more weight - more muscle.

OK. With zhimami for breast self-explanatory. What's wrong with breeding?

Breeding with dumbbells lying indispensable exercise for building volumes pectoral muscles. It is considered to be not as effective for the growth of the masses as to improve the shape. I do not agree. I think the layout is very good you will add weight if they go to the end of breast-complex. This exercise is very important technique. The movement should be smooth and slow with a good stretch at the bottom.

I hope now you understand why the first 12 weeks we do for breast only 2 exercises? These are the best exercises. If you master them and will be able to gain weight without sacrificing technology, progress will be fantastic:

  • • 1.Zhim rod on an incline bench (30 degrees) 2 × 15 (warm-up) + 3 × 6-8
  • • 2.Zhim dumbbell incline bench (45 degrees) 4 × 6-8

In the future, when we move from a two-day, three-day split, in our training chest appear "additive" in the form of spreading room dumbbells. By this time you'll have enough fitness to connect the third exercise.

  • • 1.Zhim rod lying 2 × 15 (warm-up) + 3 × 6-10
  • • 2.Zhim dumbbells lying on an incline bench 4 × 6-10
  • • 3.Razvodka dumbbells lying (the angle of 20-45 degrees) 3H8-10

How to train the chest next? Friends, when you reach the appropriate level of fitness, this question you can answer it is best to only one person. Is yourself.
The conclusion that the training of the pectoral muscles.

Chest - a great area, anatomy which provides a huge potential for development. Just need to properly train and listen to your feelings, not forgetting about the proportions, shape and balance.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How to build biceps. EXERCISES + STRATEGY

          How to build biceps. EXERCISES + STRATEGY


Biceps consists of two heads, as you already know. Divide them and train individually impossible. However, there are exercises that are loaded with a particular head. Most often, it turns out that is loaded predominantly short head and a long forgotten - it is like a kind of "outcast", to which no one cares. And - it is long, usually provides the same "steep rise" in the biceps bend of the elbow. Athletes who are called genetically gifted in terms of the biceps long head is activated very well in almost any exercise for biceps, if any width grip and elbow position relative to the body. But what is good for the "genetic monsters" ordinary people fit enough.

How does the biceps hands

The long head is engaged fully in compliance with 2 conditions:

• When the grip rod (of course, in this case it is only the barbell curls - standing, sitting on a bench or Scott) is sufficiently wide, wider than shoulder width,

• When the elbow during flexion laid back and are behind the torso line.
To meet these conditions a few exercises that will adequately load long head of the biceps. Include at least one of them in every workout this muscle.

Barbell curls standing wide grip

This exercise is no different from conventional barbell curls for biceps, but the hands are placed at the same time wider than shoulder width, you can have them even much wider than shoulder width. Perform this exercise harder than regular barbell curls, so the weight of the projectile is somewhat reduced, at least for the first time. A little secret: if the "fix" the straps to the bar of the bar, it's great to help keep the post in such a difficult position.
Barbell curls with elbows, laid back - Drag Curl.

Hands in this exercise are located on the bar slightly wider than shoulder width.
At the beginning of the movement, bending arms being removed elbows back. Thus, we find that the bar of the bar as it slides along the body all the time. Try to keep it as far as possible closer to the body, raises the bar only to the lower cut-off breasts. I do not exercise very much because of the need to reduce weight compared to conventional barbell curls.

Barbell curls sitting wide grip

Sit on the bench, the bar, place the bar on the thighs. Bend your arms at the elbows with the bar, raise the bar to the chin, pause for a second and again lower the shell down to the light touch thighs ... Without the slightest pause, start the next iteration. During an exercise, try to keep your elbows at your side. Obtained as to barbell curls at half amplitude. This exercise can be done at the end of the workout. Although you are working in the partial amplitude, but because of the awkward position (sitting) the weight on the bar will have to be reduced.
Barbell curls wide grip on the bench Scott

Exercise is the same as regular barbell curls on the bench Scott. Only grip should be broad - some wider than usual


                        MAKE YOUR BICEPS PUMP

Let's talk about the features of the training biceps. About how to build this muscle.

Biceps - a small muscle, which also has good potential for recovery. However, I do not advise you to train him very often. Often hear advice to train him 2-3 times a week. It should not do. My experience tells me that you can train your biceps or hard or often. But not both. In this I agree with Mike Mentzer. If your program contains only two exercises (one for biceps and triceps), then you will benefit from training hands twice a week. However, if you exercise a lot, but a large amount of work, then you should be limited to one workout every 5-7 days.

How hard?
Operating weight complication in the exercise must be chosen in such a way that you can perform 4-6 sets of 6-10 reps, without violating the technique of the exercise. Too little weight burdening will prevent "break" biceps - long-term practice shows that the weight with which you can perform 12-15 repetitions and more, gives biceps little incentive to increase, rather than the weight with which you can perform all 6 -8 repetitions. Although there may be exceptions. Consider your genetic "corridor" optimal repetitions.


Very good effect when working the biceps give partial repetition. Can you complete each set with two or three partial reps or do sets consisting exclusively of partial reps after 1-2 sets performed in the full amplitude.

Good effect also gives the implementation of sets with a stop in the middle of the range of motion (peak contraction principle). Again, you can use this technique in the final 2-3 repetitions or to build on it the whole set.

Biceps respond well to negative training when lowering the weight is much slower than the rise.

How to push out the biceps? Brachialis!

Together with biceps flex arm such muscle that is under it, brachialis, accounting for half of the forces of the bending moment arm. And not only! If the biceps side by side on the hand with a triceps, our hands would not look impressive and massive. No, they would not be small, but it would not be, and the way they look at the developed biceps and brachialis.

- brings huge contribution to the volume of the hands. Its anatomical location predisposes to ensure that its development with good biceps like "expelled" out and look more massive and filled.
Furthermore, brachialis is arranged so that both lies under the bicep and forearm muscles below. Due to this, the forearm becomes cone-shaped and looks much more massive.
If only the biceps was responsible for the amount of hands, it is even difficult to imagine how large you would have it "blow up." The good news is that everything in nature is very well thought out, and no unnecessary actions you do not have to make.

To training flexor hand has not turned one-sided, be sure to do these exercises for brachialis as:

  • barbell curls (straight bar) reverse grip
  • curls on the bench with Scott EZ-stamped reverse grip
  • Curls "Hammer"
  • Curls on the block parallel to the cable grip handle